Friday, May 30, 2008

The Law of Attraction in ACTION! Action step: Practice

12th February 2007
Author: Mary Ayers, PhD
How often have you heard yourself say that you wanted to do something, but your actions led you in another direction? So often we dream about things that we would like to do or be, but we never actually start doing or being that thing. While it is great to have an intention about what we want, the secret to attracting these things into your life is to take action. Action lets the universe know that you are ready to receive. If you want to be less stressed, more patient, easier to get along with, or healthier, then practice being that way. You become what you practice.

The old adage is true: "Practice makes perfect." Yet we seem to keep practicing what we don't want in our lives. We say that we want to become less stressed, but we keep doing things that contribute to our stress level. We say that we want to lead a more fulfilling life, but we continue to practice being unfulfilled by doing things that leave us empty and drained. We say that we want to be healthier but practice being unhealthy by continuing to eat poorly and exercising little.

Becoming what you want most takes consciously putting our attention on the things we want to see more of and that takes practice. By practicing consistently, the habits we wish to form in our lives become second nature. Ask any professional athlete how they made it to the pros and they will tell you that intensive practice was a huge part of the equation. They had to practice being what they are now.

Practice is not only important when it comes to behaviors and habits such as being healthy, less stressed, or patient, but it is just as important when it comes to our life goals for career, family, relationships, and finances. If your goal is to land a certain position in the company that you work for, practice for it. Start by seeing the company from the point of view of someone already in that position. Practice looking the part and acting the part. In doing so, you not only prepare yourself for the position, but you also enable others to envision you there. Once other people, particularly decision-makers, can envision you in the position, you are more than halfway to achieving your goal.

The same principle holds true in relationships. Being in a strong, loving, and mutually beneficial relationship takes practice. By practicing the habits you want to manifest in a relationship, you build the one that you want. If you want to receive love, then practice giving love. If you want to have more fun, then practice being a fun person. If you don't want to bicker, then practice not needing to be right all the time. If you want romance, then practice being romantic. If you want to attract people into your life with these qualities, then practice these qualities in your own life. The people you attract to your life are a reflection of you and the habits you practice most.

The person that you are right now is a reflection of what you practice most. You are constantly attracting these things into your life. When you look in the mirror, what does your reflection say about the habits you practice? Do you reflect kindness? Hard work? Anger? Prosperity? Love? Patience? Acknowledge the good habits you have established and want to continue to practice. Take the time to acknowledge that you made the decision to create a fabulous life and you are taking deliberate action to attract that life to you. You truly are amazing!

Dr. Mary Ayers of Momentum Coaching helps people who desire to use the Law of Attraction to live a life of joy and ease and create the fabulous life they are dreaming of. Are you serious about putting The Law of Attraction into ACTION! to create your fabulous life? Take the FREE ecourse at

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