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7. Being: First Cause, the beginning
Being is state, such as being happy. You cannot explain state, nor can you do a state. You can only be a state. You cannot do happiness; you can only be happiness or be happy. Creation works as follows: being causes thinking, which causes speaking, which causes doing, which puts in place the system to receive and experience what you created in your being and thinking. Being is the First Cause.
Being is what causes thinking. So, when you are happy, you will think happy thoughts. Thoughts spring from being. In other words, thoughts are sponsored by being. In fact, nothing happens without being. As you will see in later chapters, even conditions occur because of a state of being, and not the other way around as most people think they do. Happy conditions do not make you happy. It is being happy that causes happy conditions. Unhappy conditions only show up to prove your pre-existing state of unhappiness. By the time you finish reading the chapters on Cause and Effect and on Conditionality, you will clearly see how this is so.
The first step to experiencing massive wealth is being wealthy. Being wealthy is an internal state. It has nothing to do with the outside world. The internal state of wealth is a decision you make right now and you become it, right now. You need nothing outside of yourself to make this decision. Once you make this decision to be wealthy, you become wealthy. It is hard to speak of this because you can only be a state (you cannot do a state nor speak a state). We shall now try to speak of this state, and when you finish this chapter, you will clearly see how being works and how you can be wealthy right now.
Be wealth, Now, Here, just like that...
Be Wealth. Do not try to get wealth. Be Wealth. To help you understand that, consider happiness. Do not try to get happiness, Be Happy. See? You can either try to do things that make you happy, or you can instantly decide to be happy, just make a decision. You have done this before sometime in your life. Everyone has at one time or another said 'you know what, I am not going to let this bother me. I am going to be happy and stop worrying about this.' Which is easier? Trying to do things to be something, or being that something instantly and letting that state of being allow you to do things consistent with it? Of course it is easier to be happy instead trying to get happy. And this is the same with wealth. Be Wealth. And everything else will follow automatically, as long as you are always, at all moments, Being Wealth. Just Be It.
As you will see throughout this book and in the chapter on Quantum Physics, all that can possibly exist exists in the eternal moment of Now, Here. Even the version of you that is wealthy and experiencing wealth already exists - if you are not experiencing wealth right now, you are just not conscious or awake to it. When you choose to be a certain state right now, here, you activate the fastest forces of creation. What happens then is that you immediately move your consciousness to that other you (in this case the wealthy you). Being is the fastest way to create things, because it causes an instant shift. Material manifestation follows instantly to the degree that you have become that state without doubt. Again, to the degree that you have become that state without doubt, your reality will quickly shift to reflect it. As impossible as this may sound now, it will all make sense when you consider the real workings of this universe, especially after reading the Quantum Physics and Conditionality chapters.
The fastest way to create is to simply be, right now, whatever you wish to create. Then do not negate it by thought. Do not think about it. Just be. All your thoughts, words and actions after that should then be of that new state you chose to be. If you are not wealthy and you wish to become wealthy, just decide right now, to be wealthy from this moment of Now. Do not then start to think about it, just choose to be. From then on, all your thoughts, words and actions should be of a wealthy person. In Ultimate Reality, this is not a lie to you. You are actually all things anyway, even though you may be experiencing small sections of the all. By choosing to be something else, you cause your environment and circumstances to shift to experience the new state.
Remember, thought comes from being. A state of being is what causes thought. A state of hunger causes thoughts of hunger. Being is the First Cause. Being is, thought is doing. Being just is. Being takes no time to be, but thought takes time to do things into being. So, the fastest way to wealth is being wealthy, now, instantly. Change your being to a wealthy one. Do so by deciding right now and knowing it to be so with certainty, against any 'evidence' to the contrary in your physical world (which is an illusion anyway). Do it with certainty and clarity and keep holding that state of being. Know you are wealthy, for in ultimate reality, you really are actually very wealthy indeed. And you will very quickly begin to experience this wealth, very quickly in deed. Not many can pull this off because they doubt this, but we all have the capability to do this. Simply declare, knowingly and certainly, 'I Am...' And then do not start thinking about it all over again after that; that will only introduce delay and doubt. This is what I mean: remember the last time you were in a state of being broke or sad? You did not consciously think about the state, questioning whether it is real, whether you were really broke or sad. You just took it for granted that you were - you believed it unquestioningly. You were just that state and that was that. You were simply it. Now do it with wealth. Be wealth, believe it, and make it as that is that, no questions asked. The universe will obey.
The sequence of creation is as follows: the unified field of consciousness that is non-physical (God, The Source) individuates itself into non-physical units (individuated spirits or souls of various beings and objects). These units then take on individuated physical forms - the objects, people, and beings that we see. Whatever it is that you see physically is created in this sequence from, of and by The Source of All That Is, God. You are a co-creator in this creation sequence - you create together with The Source, in the same sequence.
In regards to wealth, therefore, you can now see how futile it is to look at your individuated physical aspects (like your bank account, your material wealth, your body, etc) and let what you see influence your individuated non-physical aspects (like your mind and thoughts and state of being). That is looking at the results and letting that influence the cause. It is like short-circuiting the system. It will only lead to enhancing of that physical state. For example, if you look around you and see that you are broke, and you let that dictate to you that you are a broke being, and you keep thinking from a broke point of reference, and you think broke thoughts and thoughts of inability, you will remain broke.
The right way to do this is to never look at the ground, never look at the physical and let that dictate to you that this is who you are. You are not your conditions - you simply cause them. The correct thing to do if you are broke is to simply choose your greatest vision of yourself, a vision of wealth, and keep that state of being of wealth, those thoughts of wealth steady and ever present. Act as if you were wealthy, no matter what the physical looks like, no matter how broke your physical world looks like. This will turn around the physical to match your thoughts and state of being. Always remember, the physical follows the spiritual and the mental. It is the design of the universe.
One way of creating things in this word is by thoughts, words, and action. But this is the slow way to go about things. The faster way is by change of state. Being. For example, when you say that you are hungry, that is a state. When you are confident, that is a state. You are be-ing. You need nothing outside of yourself to be of a certain state. To acquire wealth, it is much, much more effective to be in a state of wealth, to make your being one of wealth, to feel wealthy and to think wealthy. Speak and act wealthy. You will have a hard time becoming wealthy if you feel poor and then think speak and act wealthy. Your state, how you feel about yourself, your being, your 'I Am' declarations -this is the fastest way to acquire wealth. The way you change your state is to decide to change your state. Simple. And you can do it now. It is like being unhappy and simply deciding that you are tired of being unhappy and you just decide to be happy. Everyone has done this before. Now do it with wealth.
This text was extracted from the book A Happy Pocket Full of Money
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